Swahili culture.

Swahili culture is the Swahili people inhabiting the Swahili  coast.The area they live are Tanzania,Kenya,Uganda and Mozambique. Kenya is located in East Africa and borders Somalia to the northeast, Ethiopia to the north, Sudan to the northwest, Uganda to the west, Tanzania to the south, and the Indian Ocean to the east.

Tanzania ,formerly called Tanganyika,on the east cost  of Africa is known as tropical beaches,great lakes,and huge game areas.There food is similar of that of Kenya  and whenever a dish has a Swahili name,it invariably contains coconut and bananas.  The bananas are used in meat stews as well as with fish and poultry. Ugali, the perennial cornmeal porridge, is the major staple food in Tanzania. Rice is also frequently eaten.

Moreover when a dish is served in Tanzania home you must say “Jambo Hodi?” (Hello, may I come in?) you ask in Swahili as you enter  and they reply “Karibu” (Draw near, you are welcome).To partake of the Tanzanian repast properly you need to be comfortably dressed, perhaps in slacks and a loose shirt, as you will sit on a mat on the floor in the home of your host.

If you are an “honored” guest, as they say in Africa, your hostess has personally selected the duckling which she has cooked with coconut milk. There will also be a banana and meat stew, Ugali or rice or potato or perhaps all of these served in huge bowls, and also a vegetable dish like our braised cabbage. Some of these dishes will be cooked with coconut milk and some with groundnuts (peanuts). 

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(Ugali dish).

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